Sunday, January 26, 2020

Engineering Drawing Distinction Computer Science Essay

Engineering Drawing Distinction Computer Science Essay There are two methods of producing engineering drawings. The most common way of drawing in engineering used to be done by hand on a piece of paper. These drawings were time consuming; they needed precision and skilful draftsman. They are still used because this is a quick method if we talk about simple sketches. On paper we can draw in different techniques that include isometric, oblique and orthographic. During my first assignment I had to use the manual technique. In this paragraph I will explain what they are. Oblique- This technique is based on showing the front of the object in 2D and the side and top in 3D. If we have a cube we will need to draw a square and to its right side measure 45 °. This is where lines will go to create the side. Generally, I did not find it very difficult from my point of view. Oblique involves simple equipment such as pencil, ruler and a protractor. A drawing that is usually drawn in oblique contains its benefits and limitations such as we can see the full front of the object (advantage) or that it isnt good enough in architecture where most drawings are isometric which is harder (inconvenience). Architectural drawing in Isometric ( Technique is slightly more complicated as it involves two 30 ° angles and if we want to draw an Isometric circle it appears to be quite hard. We will need the same equipment as in oblique however to draw an isometric circle we need a compass as well. The benefit is that we will see 3 Dimensions in more detail and it is suitable for architectural drawings. The limitation is that to draw some components in isometric more work needs to be done and it isnt easy for a beginner. Orthographic- Orthographic involves 1st and 3rd angle projections however it is easy to draw because it is in 2 dimensions. The equipment is the same as in case of Isometric. The drawing itself is very nice and simple however more details are needed such as hidden lines or sections etc. Typical Orthographic drawing shows plan, front and the side. An advantage is that it contains a lot more details and it is therefore used in manufacturing for plans. The disadvantage is that you will not be able to see how it looks as a 3D object. BELOW: equipment that can be used in the manual technique ( Manually produced drawings are good because the drawer can develop his/her skills and it is suitable for quick sketching. We can just sit down with a piece of paper and a pencil and make an instant drawing. If we think back to the times where blue prints were used they were still done by hand. Manual drawings were very good however the drawer needed and still needs a lot of patience when producing a drawing not to make errors which may be disastrous for the project. Precision plays a big part in this type of drafting. We are in a higher risk of getting things wrong and if for instance the line is very thick rubbing it out will leave marks and the drawing will look not as professional. This may only spoil the neatness of drawing but we will look like an unprofessional drawer which is why it is so important to spend time and do something very well. Drawings produced manually have an advantage because when an error is made then it can be rubbed out. During my assignment work where I was asked to produce engineering sketches done manually, I found that a drawing needs to be thought through rather than rushed. This gives the drawer more calmness and so he can do it in a very short time with minimum of mistakes. The manual technique is suitable for different paper formats but with any type of formats there need to be some scaling. If we were to produce a drawing of a cars engine it will be hard to put it on A4 paper so as finding paper that is big enough to draw the engine. Scaling is simply making the picture smaller by dividing the actual size by a number that will allow us to fit the engine on paper. Could be by 8 or 25 this will depend on the engine and the paper format as well. Personally, I have used scaling for few components such as the machine vice because the actual size wouldnt fit on A4 paper. The scaling may be used wi th all of the manual techniques which is a big advantage. Manual technique is suitable for people without the knowledge of computers and software. It is therefore used in many cases. It is not used by professional companies mainly because if an error occurs which can happen within the manual technique then big sums of money can be lost. Another reason may be that everyone wants to be distinguished as a professional company who can afford a CAD drawer and so they hire a person to work on a computer rather than on paper. In fact any design starts with a paper drawn concept so originates from pencil and paper. Drafting companies dont use manual drawing because of the fact that the customer requires a formal drawing in a simple format with many details and as much clearly as possible. It is a harder task in manual drawing because it will need to be though through several times and the drawing will require lot more time. Summarising the manual technique is a good way to sketch things. The equipment needed to draw in this technique is simple to use and not expensive. The method gives us the opportunity to sketch in both 2 and 3 dimensions up to the choice. One thing that is a big unfriendly is the use of paper. This may or may not be a good reason but we need to remember about the environmental impact. The technique isnt going to be hard once we get used to it and practice as much as it is possible. It isnt a very popular technique amongst professionals one because they want to save time and the time is the money, they also want to look professional both in the eyes of their customers and the competition. Manual drafting offers flexibility to mistakes which can be corrected at any time but a problem may be that a CAD drawing can be carried on a memory stick or a CD. In terms of manual technique this isnt possible and the whole drawing needs to be carried around. CAD is a short version of Computer aided drafting. The term can be used to describe software with which it is possible to produce engineering drawings. Producing drawings using CAD was one of my tasks for assignment 2. In this explanation I will try and talk about many different advantages and disadvantages of this technique. CAD software is nowadays a vital tool for company with their own design department. It can also be used by individuals who understand how the software works. The main difference between manual drafting and using CAD is that there is no need for manual skills. Anybody with sufficient training can begin drawing variety of things in CAD. In the software we can draw in 3 Dimensions with the same projections as in manual technique. The software we have been using had a simple interface and after enough guidance by our experienced lecturer the software became very easy to use. Alternatively, there are many books which include details of options and FAQ. ABOVE: Autodesk inventor screenshot ( Software works by following users commands. We have a library of standard components drawn and available to use. The commands include the very basic copy and paste and more complex such as chamfer or fillet. We can draw arcs and lines or circles and polygons. There are dimensions which we will have to enter or play around with a mouse. Before producing a drawing it is worth to set up a page of sufficient size. We can produce a template using this function. An advantage of CAD software is that they dont take up space and carrying them can be done electronically. Program is stored on a computer and any produced drawings can be carried on memory stick rather than a bunch of other drawings. The drawing can then be printed out of any printing station to the desired format. Above all that there is the accessibility. The drawing can be emailed in an electronic form to any other device. It is very good because this way a lot of time is saved if any changes need to be made to the drawing. This is another aspect I found very useful at the time of using this software. CAD software is very useful in making civil engineering plans. In mechanical and manufacturing sector, computer or a laptop can be connected to CAM manufacturing device and the plan will automatically be manufactured by the CAM machine. This minimises the costs of production. Software is expensive because it may cost up to  £10.000 for a year plus qualified person who can use this program and in some cases providing training to the personnel. With time the investment will turn into profit. Mainly because high accuracy and flexibility and on the top of that there is time saved on data transfer and any changes amended. Due to the fact that there are many CAD software on the market there is no easy answer on how the program works. As I have mentioned previously it works based on commands. These can be used to set up the layout of our page, the dimensions of the template and any other configuring options. Set up can include things such as: Extents- Setting up extents will limit the program to work to the page dimensions that we choose. If we want to work on A3 paper this needs to be slightly smaller than A3 paper itself so that it will be able to print the work afterwards. Grid- We have a guidance of reference points in form of a grid. This is a set of dots which can be enabled or disabled when there is a need. With aid of this it becomes very simple to draw lines and angles. Snap- Used to equalise the snap and grid to the same value, it is possible to turn it off. The function works by moving cross hairs on the screen. The drawing command is very simple; it can be anything from drawing lines to circles. Usually for lines we specify a start point and the direction and using the numerical pad we enter the length or angle. In circles we can specify to choose the diameter or radius and enter its data. Editing is also very simple so we can copy and paste, move rotate or trim or extend. The functions will vary depending on the software but these are usually the basic functions that all software contains. Businesses use CAD software because of its profitability. It is reasonable for companies to invest money into software and hire personnel who know how to operate it. It may seem costly but there are many advantages and turnouts. We look more professional and the company is time efficient. There is no impact on the environment by not using bunches of paper. The drawing itself is more eco-friendly. ABOVE: Architectural Drawing produced using CAD ( The CAD software I have used for my assignments had many features that are needed in professional engineering. It contains a library of common devices such as a spring. There are also many types of gears and links. This is very significant because a feature can be picked out from the library and copied to our drawing. This way the time is saved because some components are already drawn. We can solve problem of time consuming isometric drawing using CAD. This is because we have a protractor saying the angles of each line. We will get the exact angle and length of the line. If we were to make something of a round shape we can draw arcs which are simple to do using a program. In addition to that we can label many things on the drawing or annotate it automatically. Using labelling on an engineering drawing we can draw any text which could be the standards, name of the company and the draftsperson and so on and so forth. Architectural companies may want software such as Autodesk inventor which is more suitable for their area of interest and could be used to create interactive plans and visualisations of buildings. For mechanical there is a special program called AutoCAD Mechanical which I have used personally. These programs are all related however they have different functions which are specific for the area of engineering such as the architecture. This is why a manufacturing company will not need software which will not be useful for them although it may be suitable for a specific product drawing. There are negative points to CAD as there were to manual drafting. One of them is that to get this an investment must be made and if there is no turnout, then there is no need for it. If the company has it is treated more professionally however the software isnt just totally reliable because a skilled draftsman is needed which also costs money. Mistakes can happen and so they can be made using CAD as well. Wrong labels or symbols can have a major effect on the business. We can see that both manual and CAD drafting techniques have good and bad points. CAD is more professional way of drawing however an idea starts from a piece of paper and a pencil which is manual so there are established connections between the two. Nothing is perfect and so these two techniques may not be suitable for something but they will do better in another task. The described CAD method does not require drawing skill from the user and it is more tolerant to mistakes because it will not be seen. Manual drawing requires more skills and uses paper which is gained from chopping down trees so it has an impact on the environment. The fact is that we are now in the 21st century and the world will develop as it started as a blueprint and developed to a piece of paper, from piece of paper it became more virtual. We will not predict what can happen to drawing techniques in future and we dont know how much time it will take to develop something new, something that is as popular as the tw o mentioned above. For the mean time the two ways of producing engineering drawings does its job very well.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Media is Responsible for the Rise of Criminal Cases Amongst Youngsters

Media is Responsible for the rise of criminal cases amongst youngters. Good afternoon respected judges, teachers and my fellow bosconians. I am going to speak for the motion. Increasing violence is becoming an inalienable problem attributed to every society. According to recent public opinion pools the crime rate is disquietingly growing and if something is not done soon, this phenomenon will become a real calamity. Escalating aggression, especially among the young generation is extremely harmful to the society as a whole.To the most common factors instigating teen violence belong undoubtedly to aggressive films and games, in a word, Media! The youngsters nowadays have completely different opportunities of organizing their free time. One of them, and probably the most popular, is TeleVision. The range and variety of TV programs is widespread and, according to the scientists, this is the media who is responsible for the increasing growth in crime.A few days back i just entered a room where two of my cousin were there one was 11years old and the other 7years and i heard them talking about wwe and even saw them copying the violent actions. This is what Media is growing in, Violence. The media can have a powerful influence on young, impressionable children. India, as a developing country, most of the families have started to own television sets and radios. Furthermore, many youth spend an inordinate amount of time consuming violent media and inappropriate music .Various studies â€Å"have found that YOUNGSTERS may become ‘immune’ to the horror of violence; gradually accept violence as a way to solve problems; imitate the violence they observe on television; and identify with certain characters, victims or victimizers† The media’s use of violence as a form of entertainment has had a negative effect on our society by desensitizing people, especially youngsters, in bringing out aggressive behavior, attitudes, and values.As the amount of prog rams through television, stereos, video games, and satellite dishes increase, media industries are competing for the loudest, most shocking idea to get the attention of the viewer. Throughout the years society has become more liberal. No longer are couples required to sleep in different beds on TV shows and the typical â€Å"clean, happy, family† often represented in shows throughout the 60s and 70s had been replaced with more racy, sexual themes to catch the viewers attention. Out of everyone present over i can say surely that most you watch â€Å"how i met your mother† .Does it not portray what i said right now. Violence and sex have become effective methods in promoting movies and television shows. Often these themes are used to the producer’s advantage as hooks before commercials, in avertisements, and in previews as a glimpse of something exciting that can be shown in a short period of time and interest the consumer. Action films have a high degree of fight s, killings, special effects, and explosions to keep the attention of an audience. Violence is big in many action movies because it is not culture-specific and requires less complexity .Today, violence is being used in media for thrill, which is likely to develop an urge to kill or hurt, in young minds. Those who have criminal instincts together with intelligence and need fast money can easily get inspired by such serials and movies with heavy dose of violence. Media just to gain publicity has started highlighting all the criminal cases and telecasting them. The youngsters facing problems in their lives and after repeatedly trying to overcome the problem but have not succeed yet have started to resort to all sorts of crime.It was just reported 2 days back that A youth allegedly raped a 15-year-old girl in Rajasthan's Alwar and uploaded a video clipping of the act on Facebook. When an asinine psychologically disturbed individual posts such a violent video on a popular social-website, there is a strong possibility that at least one of the viewers will be inspired by such a video, and will be tempted to imitate the act in the video, and this will lead to a crime! As media grows, the exposure to such violent stories has also increased, and it is believed, that such an exposure has inspired a number of people to act violently and commit crimes.Movies like don escalate violence in young minds because at the end the criminal is the hero. Young minds if suffering from problems may resort to such hideous actions. Media should promote the dignity of women instead of disgracing it.They are portraying them as a commodity which can be sold in the market. Media should give more importance to spread knowledge about useful stuff and contribute in shaping young minds and showing them the right path to follow . Media today is the satan in disguise , disillusioning young minds to the path of horror and hepling them achieve their aims and aspirations through negative ways.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Why Everyone Is Mistaken Regarding Introducing Yourself Essay and Why You Absolutely Must View This Report

Why Everyone Is Mistaken Regarding Introducing Yourself Essay and Why You Absolutely Must View This Report You may opt to use at least one of these tips about how to introduce an essay. Use a quote or example-It is an excellent approach to draw the reader. Paragraph Punch takes users throughout the procedure for writing a simple paragraph. Offer your papers to the absolute most talented writers. Introducing yourself is important in making an excellent impression. The Art of Applying team agrees this is a good essay! When you start writing a new piece, consider what your readers wish to understand. The Lost Secret of Introducing Yourself Essay The different facets of excellent reading' have to get discussed freely with the students. You've got a blank page at the beginning of each proposal. Just adhere to the pattern you see in the above mentioned examples. Consider these ideas for developing a strong start. With the right utilisation of the above mentioned guide and ideas, you are going to be able to compose an effective essay introduction, which can get you the maximum scores. You've got to write about what is going to be the structure of your essay and in which order the info is going to be presented. Make certain you get the info you're looking for. Occasionally it can be hard to find out precisely what information is related to your introduction till you've wr itten the piece itself. To make certain that the introductory paragraph of your essay is totally free from grammatical errors, we offer you professional editing support. When you are thinking about your persuasive essay writing options, we would like to be at the very top of your list. You're in complete control of your article. If you're hunting for a number of suggestions to begin your college mission, checking out a few of the precise interesting argumentative essay topics is the secret. There are clear differences between companies offering genuine, premium quality custom persuasive essays and fake businesses which are just there to take your money. Our company model is based on making certain you're happy. Whenever it is all about business statement the sales letters play a crucial role. One of our sales men will be prepared to assist you with explaining about the item and will assist you with the orders. The Hidden Gem of Introducing Yourself Essay True happiness couldn't be bought at any price tag but it must be earned. It's not simple to have ideas to flow when trying to start out with the broad instruction to compose a narrative. It isn't simple to have ideas to flow when trying to start out with the broad instruction to compose a story. It isn't easy to acquire ideas to flow when trying to start out with the broad education to compose a story. Still the end result is depressing. The remaining part of the class should listen actively to finish the problem step-by-step. Regardless of what's the objective of your essay, there's a preset number of points you will be expected to tackle. No matter what's it, there is a preset number of points that you will be. Sometimes you only have to begin writing and you may begin at the start or dive right into the core of your essay. When you're interested in work, you might want to put your very best foot forward. When you're interested in work, you might want to place your very best foot forward. When you're searching for work, you might want to place your very best foot forward. Even if you just have the time to learn a few phrases, the majority of people will appreciate the effort. If you are searching for ideas to teach paragraph writing, you're in the correct spot! Some people today find it hard to put their ideas into words while some don't even understand how to begin an essay. It's a means of organizing and expressing the principal idea of the paragraph!

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Wars, Guns, Votes Democracy in Dangerous Places Book Analysis

Canada is often referred to as a nation of immigrants, however, for a long period of time these immigrants came from a limited side of the world. Most people who migrated to the Dominion before the turn of the twentieth century left European nations, predominately the British Isles and Western Europe. The pattern of immigration began to shift particularly in the 1890s, as it became more likely for southern and eastern Europeans to make the trip. Additionally, another notable change in the pattern of immigration was the increase in Asian workers beginning to arrive in the first couple of decades after Confederation. As a result of the influx of immigrants entering Canada, racism flourished in a variety of ways from individual acts of†¦show more content†¦Using extensive anecdotes and â€Å"expert† opinion, the Black Candle depicts an alarming picture of drug abuse in Canada, detailing Murphy’s understanding of the use and effects of opium, cocaine, and pharm aceuticals, as well as a â€Å"new menace,† â€Å"marihuana.†[7] Murphy’s concern with drugs began when she started coming into â€Å"disproportionate contact with Chinese people† in her courtroom because they were over represented in the criminal justice system.[8] In addition to professional expertise and her own observations, Murphy was also given a tour of opium dens in Vancouver’s Chinatown by local police detectives. Vancouver at the time was in the midst of a moral panic over drugs that was part of the anti-Oriental campaign that precipitated the Chinese Immigration Act of 1923.[9] Canadian drug historian Catherine Carstairs has argued that Murphy’s importance regarding drug policy has been â€Å"overstated† because she did not have an impact on the drug panic in Vancouver, but that nevertheless â€Å"her articles did mark a turning point and her book †¦ brought the Vancouver drug panic to a larger Canadian audience.†[10] Race permeates the Black Candle, and is intricatelyShow MoreRelatedEssay about Wars, Guns, and Votes: Democracy in Dangerous Places880 Words   |  4 Pagesreinforce legitimate democratic governments in developing states have been largely unsuccessful. 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